the Star, 26 July 2012, CIMB research states that prices of consumer goods are
likely to rise gradually toward the year-end. Factors that contributed to the
rise included higher festive demand, supply disruptions from bad weather and
costlier raw materials due to ringgit weakness. Other than that, it also
mention that Government's intervention should help keep food inflation and
other commodities-induced price pressures manageable, such as fuel and food
subsidies. Government imposed temporary measures such as setting a ceiling
price for rice when the rice prices spiked in mid-2008. Government will
carefully manage inflation expectations to minimize the impact on lower-income households.
Then, Government resumes its subsidy rationalization plan but it is likely to
reduce the subsidies in a gradual manner.
Food crisis, everything is the market are more expensive than last time.
In addition there is only limited supply of good, therefore the price get even
higher. People has unlimited wants but there is only limited resources are
available. In this article, stated that price of consumer goods will
increase gradually due to too much demand on goods. This is because of higher
festive demand, supply disruptions from bad weather and costlier raw materials
due to ringgit weakness. These are the factors that cause the change in demand
and supply.
change in demand also could be occurs when they are changes in the price of
related goods, expected future prices, income, expected future income and
credit, population and preferences. In this article, the change of demand
occurs is because of expected future prices and preferences. If the expected
future price of a good rises and if the good can be stored, the opportunity
cost of obtaining the good for future use is lower today than it will be in the
future when people expect the price higher. So people retime their purchases
and they substitute over time. They buy more of the goods now before its price
is expected to rise, so the demand for good today increases. For example when
there is a festival, supply disruptions from bad weather and costlier raw
materials due to ringgit weakness, people expect that the price of rice will
rises, so they will store enough rice to stay over your festival. Therefore,
current demand for rice has increase, and future demand was decrease.
When the demand increase,
the demand curve shifts rightward and quantity demanded at each price is
greater. Secondly, demand depends on preferences too. Preferences determine the
value that people place on each good and service. Preferences depend on such things
as the weather, information, and fashion. For example, the article stated that
supply disruptions from bad weather, it has shifted the preferences in rice, so
the demand of rice increased. This is because when the supply disruptions from
bad weather, the demand will continues to increases. Since the demand is so
high, this enables the supplier to sell the good in the high price.
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